Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Wreck Returns.

Last night I found myself crying my eyes out whilst reading an unofficial biography about Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow. I have no idea where the emotional wreck came from but it made a dramatic return last night. I suddenly felt the urge to watch Robbie's music videos. The early ones just after he quit/was kicked out of Take That. I felt so sad for Robbie I honestly thought I could see sadness in his eyes and when listening to No Regrets I just wanted to give him a massive hug!! Most of you reading this will be laughing at what I just wrote
but I have a serious EMOTIONAL WRECK problem!
Only last week I thought to myself maybe the wreck has left my system but oh no. Obviously not. I don't know what sets me off but when I start...well disaster strikes. It's quite bad actually but I have realised that music plays a big part in my emotional states. You could say I listen to quite depressing music...the truth is I just like music to have a real message. Therefore I like to listen to Dido, Coldplay, Snow Patrol etc. like right now as I write this blog, I have Coldplay on shuffle. What I like about these artists and bands that their songs contain messages and advice that not even my closest friends could give me. Not that Dido or Christ Martin know what I am personally going through at certain points in my life but you can tell that they have been through something very similar. I think that's why I was so emotional and happy when I recently went to see Coldplay. I go to a lot of gigs and when I leave, each time I say
"that was the best concert ever!!"
but Coldplay really was. You could feel the love in the atmosphere it was electric. You wouldn't even feel that much love radiating off people in a wedding. Everyone left that concert smiling, even a mile away from the Stadium everyone was still singing Viva la Vida. It was an amazing atmosphere and that night the emotional wreck inside of me said "If I die tonight I will die happy! As I had seriously never felt happier!! I wonder if any of you little readers have ever felt like that?? Lots of love The Girl Has An Opinion xxx P.S. enjoy this....

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