Sunday 17 June 2012

Hello Everyone! It has been such a long time since I last wrote. So most of you will have forgotten all about me! I do apologise for taking so long to write another blog but I have been kept busy with numerous exams that have put large amounts of pressure and stress on myself. I'm sure most of you have had to deal with this or are at this moment stressing about their exam tomorrow...well my one piece of guidance is
just believe
also colour co-ordinating work really helps. I really was surprised that I survived the exam season and didn't have a mental breakdown. Although, those closest to me probably thought I was having some sort of breakdown. It really is horrible when you are the person who worries so much that at the beginning of exams people move away from you because you stress them out. That is me. I can't help it though. I just care too much. It really shocks me when people are like "nah I ain't revising I cba" I can't help think to these people really not want to do something with their life? Personally, I cannot wait to leave my small home town. It's not that I dislike the actual place it's because I dislike the narrow minded-ness that comes with being a resident in my small town. Now, I think I'm going to leave it there for today but I promise I'll write again soon. I also promise that I shall continue writing pointless stuff in my blog. Yours The Girl Has An Opinion Xx P.S. This is for you, I'm not just all mouth...I follow through my actions

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