Monday 20 August 2012

Happy Endings

I went to a beautiful wedding on Thursday. It was only a small affair for close family and friends. It could be said that I am neither family nor friend to the charming young couple. Instead, I am the daughter of the nurse who helped save the Groom's life. However, over the last twenty years my mother and M have become great friends.
It's not often you hear of 'Happy Endings' but this one really was. Let me set the scene...

A young nurse of twenty four years of age is in her fourth year of living in the 'Big Smoke' ie London. She is working in one of London's busiest Hospital's. Which has a very good paediatric unit. On one sunny day in April, a young fourteen year old boy walks into the ward. He has recently been diagnosed with Leukaemia. A horrible illness - Cancer of the blood. He is very ill and is starting treatment. The young nurse is put in charge of his care.

Over time his health would take turns and for his family and friends it was like the scariest Roller Coaster but unlike the rest of us who go on a Roller Coaster, they couldn't get off. They had to just stick out the lows of being told their beloved son, brother, nephew and best friend was incredibly ill and that they should prepare themselves for the worse. Luckily, treatment was having a good effect. As M started growing friendships with two other children on the ward with him disaster struck.

A young girl, only five years high. Who had become a little sister to M and another young boy suddenly died. She was all ready to go home as well. She had, had her goodbye party and was ready to be picked up. Sadly, she caught an infection and by then it was too late for her to be saved. Death had struck. This hit everyone. From the nurses and doctors on the ward, to the parents of the other young children. The parents of M and my own parents remember the funeral as if it had only been yesterday. 

This awful loss made everyone on the ward want M and A to leave in perfect health and for their Leukaemia to be gone, an illness of the past. Over the months that M was in hospital, the young nurse and him grew in friendship and their closeness continued with her partner and M's family. They were all a strong support network. However, the young nurse had been offered a post in G.O.S.H so it was time for her to leave. The nurse and M exchanged numbers and addresses.

Thinking they would keep in contact for possibly a year. Not still be in contact for invitations and attendance to M's 18th, 21st and 30th. The nurse's wedding, birthday parties and for get togethers.

Now, twenty years later the young nurse had grown into a forty four year old woman with two daughters and M had grown into a thirty four year old man. A fire fighter and now married. The nurse  my mother spoke at large lengths at the wedding with M and his family about how twenty years ago not even in their wildest dreams did they think M would get married.

Since Thursday I have been inspired by M's bravery and found him inspiring. I have also taken great happiness from the fact that for some people there is a 'Happy Ending' and there is such thing as 'True Friends' 

I think it is a remarkable story and I won't even begin about the hardship M went through to be a Fire Fighter. Even if only one person takes inspiration from this story and feels stronger to battle their own hardships in life, I shall be happy.

Lots of love


Sometimes...just sometimes we need to know about someone who has overcome a deadly illness and who is now enjoying life to the full. 

She is known.

I knew the time would come when dear old friends of mine would realise I am a Facebook stalker. My stalker ways were confirmed to my dear friends because of careless response to the conversation. This is the conversation....*names have been changed for safety reasons*

Chris: I don't know her, who is she? 
Tina: You do know her....she's friends with Bec.
Me: Chris, of course you know her. There is a picture of you, Laura and Bec together in Anna's house for Anna's birthday. You were all going to Swansea but Anna's sister and her friends including Laura went to Porthcawl. You were wearing that lovely Aztec patterned polo shirt and reddy brown chinos. Laura was wearing the animal print playsuit from Topshop. Remember Tina, I showed you the picture?
And then there was silence...
Tina, Chris and Sam: do you know all this and remember every detail, it is slightly worrying.

Now I live in fear for the day that Facebook allows users to see who is viewing their profiles. I am awful. I just cannot help it. When someone tells me something about someone I look all over their Facebook, twitter and Tumblr to find evidence to see if this gossip is true. These detective skills must come from my Grandfather. The sad thing is now because I am known I cannot become a Private Detective if I fail my GCSE'! 
What will I do?!

Over and out for now.
The Girl Has An Opinion x

Sunday 15 July 2012


The Collins dictionary notes that the meaning of 'Minx' is noun a bold, flirtatious, or scheming woman
I like the noun 'Minx'. I use the noun a lot.
There is just something about it, some close dear friends call me a 'Minx' on the rare occasion but am I really? I'd say I'm quite bold, I do say what I feel and sometimes don't think about the consequences...flirtatious, maybe not. Scheming...well I am a bit of a stalker and a spy but I'm not really scheming so maybe I'm not a minx. I shall have to find a new word to describe myself. Maybe something like... A 'Bore' - I am a slightly unintersting person but I think maybe I'm closer to a minx than a bore. It is really hard to find a word that describes who I am! As you can see I'm still on the quest of finding who I am.
and trying to find someone else...
just a short one to think about! Xx

Sunday 8 July 2012

Madness and Mayhem!

It has been a while since I last wrote and for that I am very sorry! In the time since I last wrote it has just been madness. From my mother giving me a driving lesson and me crashing the car to snapping a key in a door and also breaking three tills. It is this kind of mayhem I really don't like. The two milliseconds I lost control of the car was a very scary experience! Thankfully Foxy (the car) is having a face lift and next time I see her will have a whole new front end. Yaaay! Then really apart from all that I have continued to lead a normal teenage life which involves endless arguments with parents and endless hours of worrying about how ugly I am and waiting for a specific person to reply to an inbox...then when the reply has been read hours wondering what to say back. Like a never ending cycle! The thing is, I sent an awesome message this week! One which should not have just had this as the reply "I'm not ignoring you I have been busy I was as you can imagine very disappointed when I saw this. It is one thing I don't understand about the male kind... Their inability to read between the lines of a message. I think I will leave it there for today. Short and sweet. Lots of love! Xxx

Wednesday 27 June 2012

It all happens for a reason...

Its taken me a while to realise how much of a bitch life is. Things for me were getting so amazing and then baam! things just seemed to be going wrong. So wrong that I felt unable to stand back up after being knocked down so many times. The thing is, standing up after being knocked down so many times is one of the hardest things to do in life. thankfully, I did stand up and I really did tie a knot on my rope so I didn't fall. What's helping now is that I am free from Education for four months and free from exams...although waiting for these exams results is going to be a killer!!
on a happy note... I've fallen for Mr Nice Guy again. Can you believe it? The thing is I'm also head over heels in craziness for the new guy...the guy I said I didn't mind if we never spoke again because the other night was so lovely. The thing is...I do mind. Now that we are speaking I wish he'd read the messages between the two lines!! Although, it doesn't help that I told him I didn't want a relationship. The thing is...I hate relationships because I feel claustrophobic. I can't think of anything worse than being besotted with someone when going into University.i want to go to Uni and enjoy freshers and be CAREFREE! my mothers friend, well her son went on a boys holiday recently and rang his girlfriend every night! I want to go on a girls holiday and just enjoy my cocktails in the you can tell, I myself am far from being perfect girlfriend material. Speak soon guys and keep reading!! Lots of love The Girl Has An Opinionxxx

Friday 22 June 2012

One Step Forward. Two Steps Back.

I was going to make this blog really negative because right now I am feeling slightly sad about everything i ruin. Instead, I'm going to make people aware of the good things in my life. ONE I have a wonderful sister. This morning she brought my friend and I a cup of tea to us in bed and biscuits. Sadly, it's only recently that I'm seeing how lovely and wonderful my sister is. She may be younger but most of the time she could be my mum. For years we used to argue and hate each other but I guess as we both grew up we realised we needed to be there for each other when the wicked step dad comes along, there is a messy divorce, every grand parent is being struck with cancer and because we now live separately we appreciate each other more. TWO I have two amazing best friends. They are such wonderful people and both will be stars. I love spending so much time with them and they could be a brother or sister to me because my family love them too. Right now they are sending me cuddles and asking me what's wrong because I'm being so negative. We might all be different ages and doing all different things with our lives but we each make time for one and other and the kettle is always ready to boil for them. THREE I really do have so much more than some people in this unfortunate world, I may not have a multi million pound house or a garage full of sports cars and billions of pounds in the bank. Instead, I have a loving family. Lots of food and never go hungry. Never thirsty and always have something to wear.
So when feeling negative and when you think everything is going against you. Just think of all the positives in your life.
When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.The Girl Has An Opinion x

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Tea, Sick and Smiles

Tea has been my saving grace today! It has been filling me with enough energy to stay awake all day and has been easing away the bad head I seem to be suffering from.
Why am I feeling so bad, you ask?
Well last night a lovely friend of mine invited us all around for a small gathering. It was a nice little night but after an hour everyone seemed to be tipsy especially after playing some awful drinking game, "Beer Pong". Disaster struck very fast. Firstly, it was boys against girls so while they kept meeting a target forcing us to drink whilst they still had all these full cups. Secondly, beer and I are not a very...well you may say a friendly mixture and so before long I volunteered to pester a lovely older friend to get us some cheap vodka. Now...what could go wrong? Well, before I could even have some vodka it was all gone and that's when trouble erupted. Although, I happily missed the first disaster as (I must use nicknames so no identities are revealed)Ginge, Teeth and I had perched ourselves away from the loonies to watch the stars but when we did return...
I have never seen so much sick in my life
the vileness of it was so surreal. I won't go in to too much detail, don't worry! So after one drunky had been sent home and the host herself carried to the house THE CLEAN UP BEGAN and well I have to say the girls did themselves proud!! Finally time for peace maybe some sleep? It was already gone two but instead I stayed awake all night talking away. It was quite beautiful watching the stars turn invisible to the eye and the sun to make a visible appearance. So that is my little drama about a very funny sleepover. Lots of love, The Girl Has An Opinion
In a previous blog I mentioned about how I had made a choice between two boys but I have to say...I think I'm falling for someone else, someone you would least expect but awh lovely little readers I'm in a very happy content mode. I actually don't even think I'd mind if we didn't even speak again because I was so happy! We shall see what happens Xxxxxx

Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Wreck Returns.

Last night I found myself crying my eyes out whilst reading an unofficial biography about Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow. I have no idea where the emotional wreck came from but it made a dramatic return last night. I suddenly felt the urge to watch Robbie's music videos. The early ones just after he quit/was kicked out of Take That. I felt so sad for Robbie I honestly thought I could see sadness in his eyes and when listening to No Regrets I just wanted to give him a massive hug!! Most of you reading this will be laughing at what I just wrote
but I have a serious EMOTIONAL WRECK problem!
Only last week I thought to myself maybe the wreck has left my system but oh no. Obviously not. I don't know what sets me off but when I start...well disaster strikes. It's quite bad actually but I have realised that music plays a big part in my emotional states. You could say I listen to quite depressing music...the truth is I just like music to have a real message. Therefore I like to listen to Dido, Coldplay, Snow Patrol etc. like right now as I write this blog, I have Coldplay on shuffle. What I like about these artists and bands that their songs contain messages and advice that not even my closest friends could give me. Not that Dido or Christ Martin know what I am personally going through at certain points in my life but you can tell that they have been through something very similar. I think that's why I was so emotional and happy when I recently went to see Coldplay. I go to a lot of gigs and when I leave, each time I say
"that was the best concert ever!!"
but Coldplay really was. You could feel the love in the atmosphere it was electric. You wouldn't even feel that much love radiating off people in a wedding. Everyone left that concert smiling, even a mile away from the Stadium everyone was still singing Viva la Vida. It was an amazing atmosphere and that night the emotional wreck inside of me said "If I die tonight I will die happy! As I had seriously never felt happier!! I wonder if any of you little readers have ever felt like that?? Lots of love The Girl Has An Opinion xxx P.S. enjoy this....

Sunday 17 June 2012

Who Am I?

I find being a teenager very very tricky. It's the age where you think you are an adult and worthy of more respect than you get and the age where the media paint a very negative portrayal of you. It's also the age where you are supposed to find yourself... Well personally I don't think I will find myself for atleast another ten years because I really have no clue who I am. It is this lack of personal knowledge that makes it really hard to follow one of life's most simplest request
Be Youself!
So until I realise who I am actually am, I shall simply have to act the complete opposite of people I dislike. However, this lack of knowing who I am means that members of the opposite sex do not have a clue what i am about. Some see a sweet and innocent girl who is quite shy whilst others see a girl who just wants a good time and fun. It's the girl who just wants a good time and fun that always seems to be in a pickle. My friends would certainly agree with this. Just recently I had to decide whether to let the shy girl slowly continue talking to a charming young man who was full of compliments or whether I should slowly erase myself from his inbox. So that the good time girl could have a couple of weeks having fun with someone who probably didn't even know how she was feeling. Luckily, this time after a very long consideration I think I made the correct decsision to talk to....(can you guess who I decided?) It's all these decisions I guess that will help me decide who The Girl With An Opinion is... Sadly, for those of you wondering who she is you may have to wait several years. So I shall leave you with this.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
RALPH WALDO EMERSON That my lovely readers is for those who know who they are and those needing a little inspiration. Yours The Girl Has An Opinion xx
Hello Everyone! It has been such a long time since I last wrote. So most of you will have forgotten all about me! I do apologise for taking so long to write another blog but I have been kept busy with numerous exams that have put large amounts of pressure and stress on myself. I'm sure most of you have had to deal with this or are at this moment stressing about their exam tomorrow...well my one piece of guidance is
just believe
also colour co-ordinating work really helps. I really was surprised that I survived the exam season and didn't have a mental breakdown. Although, those closest to me probably thought I was having some sort of breakdown. It really is horrible when you are the person who worries so much that at the beginning of exams people move away from you because you stress them out. That is me. I can't help it though. I just care too much. It really shocks me when people are like "nah I ain't revising I cba" I can't help think to these people really not want to do something with their life? Personally, I cannot wait to leave my small home town. It's not that I dislike the actual place it's because I dislike the narrow minded-ness that comes with being a resident in my small town. Now, I think I'm going to leave it there for today but I promise I'll write again soon. I also promise that I shall continue writing pointless stuff in my blog. Yours The Girl Has An Opinion Xx P.S. This is for you, I'm not just all mouth...I follow through my actions

Saturday 21 April 2012

Be Yourself.

A very wise friend told me this week... "Never be afraid to do what you want." My very wise friend telling me this has really filled me with inspiration and we could all do with some inspiration in our lives. Especially us 'Youngies'! We are put under so much pressure about; Where we should go for sixth form, What subjects to take, What course we want to do in University and Where we want to go to University. So, sometimes it's nice for a very wise friend to tell us all to... TAKE A BREAK AND REALISE WHAT YOU HAVE And trust me, accepting that was very, VERY hard for me because I am so hard on myself about what I want to do and am putting my family and myself under a lot of stress about Sixth Form. So someone telling me to take a break really did come in handy. It also made me enjoy my very exciting Friday night and made me realise all I really want in life is to be happy So, I really did learn a valuable lesson this week and so I shall continue to work hard for these exams but will continue to enjoy little days and nights out with my friends!! Thank you AGAIN for reading, Lots of love from, The Girl Has An Opinion xxxxx

Thursday 19 April 2012

The Blog I Mentioned

A little blog you should all read!

A Warm Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone in this wonderful world that can now read my blog. This is my first ever blog so please don't be too judgemental about it and I am very sorry that I do not write like an amazing writer as I am far from being one of those. I don't know why I have started this blog, I guess it was just a spur of the moment thing to do and recently I have really wanted to voice my opinions...(to anyone who knows me, they'd think I do this enough!) Don't worry though guys, I will add some funny and embarrassing event that are happenning in my world!! But this first blog, is going to be a brief introduction to a very strong belief I have... People should accept that we are all equal, are all worthy of respect and are all worthy of having our opinions listened to and be able to publish and tell people our opinions. I think if everyone had that belief I guess we would be living in a very perfect and happy world...a world that I guess is only available in ones imagination! Well, I think I might leave it there for my first blog and I hope I haven't bored you all because I promise this blog will be full of juicy facts, funny stories of what's happening to me as I enter the later stages of my teen life and my very strong opinions. Feel free to comment and I'll link a very good blog for you all to read!! Lots of love from The Girl Has An Opinion xxx